If you have been involved in an automobile accident or another type of incident in which your brain was injured, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to collect compensation for your injuries. However, brain injuries are one of the trickiest types of suits to bring because head injuries are so unique to the individual. Our compensation system has been able to accurately develop compensation packages when a person goes blind in one eye or loses three fingers in a work accident, but brain injuries are so much more difficult to gauge.
With that said, you can help strengthen your brain injury case by working with an injury lawyer who has a history of winning these types of cases. In today’s blog, we share some tips for talking with a lawyer about your brain injury and your compensation options.
Talking With Your Minneapolis Brain Injury Lawyer
If you or your family are working with a lawyer to collect compensation in the wake of a brain injury, here are some points to discuss during your initial consultation with your attorney.
1. The Events In Question – Start by talking about the incident itself. Your lawyer will want to know what happened that resulted in your injuries. Be open and honest during this process, because your lawyer is on your side. Even if you share some responsibility for the accident, be honest about the entire incident. This won’t tank your injury claim, but getting caught in a lie can. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions about the accident, and consider bringing evidence with you or contact information of witnesses to this meeting to help tell the full story.
2. Medical Care and Diagnosis – Next, you’re going to want to go into detail about the medical care you received at the scene of the accident as well as at the hospital or medical center that treated you. All of this care will come with a price tag, so it will be important for your lawyer to know what they’ll need to consider when developing a compensation claim. You’ll also want to share your diagnosis and your long-term medical expectations with your lawyer. Finally, also expect to talk about your current symptoms and how the injury has affected your quality of life.
3. The Financial Aspects Of Everything – A brain injury can have a severe impact on your short-term and long-term earnings, and it can completely change your financial situation. Talk about how the brain injury has affected your ability to work, how it might affect your long-term earnings potential, as well as any bills and expenses you’ve incurred as a result of your brain injury. For example, if you’re going to need therapy, an aide or financial assistance with child care expenses because of your brain injury, bring it up to your lawyer. You may not have a clear understanding of the total financial implications of your brain injury at the outset, and that’s fine, but we want to get you every penny you deserve, so be ready to cover a range of finance-related questions.
4. Your Goals – Finally, you’ll want to talk about your goals with the case. We understand that you probably want a fast resolution to the case, but we don’t want to jump at the first settlement offer and leave a lot of money on the table. We’ll talk about things like retraining options to find a new career and the levels of financial security you’ll hope to reach through the claim to find out what’s most important for you. This allows us to do our best to help you meet these goals while you focus on your family and your health.
For more information about any of the above aspects, or to talk with a lawyer about your brain injury compensation options, contact Dean and the team at Margolis Law Office today.
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