It can take a lot of work to finally start receiving your workers’ compensation benefits after suffering a work injury, so it can be quite deflating to receive a letter in the mail saying that your benefits are being discontinued. This letter is known as a Notice of Intent to Discontinue, commonly referred to as a NOID, and it spells out when and why the insurance company believes they can rightfully cease payments on your claim.
If you’re recovered and returned to work, this letter may come as no surprise, but if you assumed that your benefits were going to continue for a while, you may be wondering why your benefits are ending. If you’re surprised that you have received a NOID, there are some specific steps you’ll want to take to get your payments back on track. Below, we share the three steps you’ll need to take if you unexpectedly receive a Notice of Intent to Discontinue.
Navigating A NOID
Instead of just ignoring the notice and hoping that it was sent in error, you’ll want to take a few specific steps in order to proactively get your claim back on track. Here’s what you’ll want to do.
1. Read And Understand The Letter – The first thing you’ll want to do is to read the letter in detail and make sure that you completely understand why the insurance company believes they are justified in terminating your benefits. Perhaps there is a clear and obvious error that needs correction, maybe there was a miscommunication that led to the notice, or perhaps they are interpreting your doctor’s treatment schedule differently than you are. Make sure that you understand why the insurance company is ceasing payments on your claim so that you know what you need to do in order to provide evidence to the contrary.
2. Contact Your Attorney – The next step in the process is to inform your lawyer that you have received a NOID. They’ll want to know what the letter says and why your payments are being stopped, which again showcases why it’s important to read and comprehend the letter before you contact them. Better yet, forward them a copy of the NOID so that they can review the document in its entirety. They’ll be able to talk with you in greater detail as to whether this notice is justified or if they believe you’ll be able to get your benefits reinstated, and they’ll provide you with a plan for your next steps.
3. Act Quickly – Finally, make sure that you act quickly in the event that you receive a NOID. You have a rather short time period to contest the notice and work to restore your benefits, so if you wait too long, it’s possible that your payments will never get reinstated, even if you had just cause to win your case. Review the letter and contact your attorney within a day or two of receiving the letter. You typically only have 12 days from the issuance of the NOID to file an Employee’s Request for Administrative Conference on Discontinuance of Workers’ Compensation Benefits, so don’t delay.
NOIDs can throw you for a loop, but if you take quick action and make sure that you and your lawyer know what you’re up against, we’re confident that you can work towards a satisfying resolution. If you need help navigating a NOID or any other aspect of your workers’ compensation claim, make sure you connect with Dean and the team at Margolis Law Firm. Give our team a call today at (952) 230-2700.
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